10 Things We Love About The San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo
It's almost time.
After a few years of Covid interruptions, at last the full pageantry and excitement of the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo is just a few days away-- April 1-17th. The way ticket sales are going, it's going to be the biggest event EVER.
So here are ten things we really love about this year's best ever San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo.
#10 Double Dan Horsemanship:
I have problems riding one horse. These guys are internationally known for riding more than one horse at a time. Double Dan Horsemanship are breathtaking live. They have been featured on tv shows around the world. If ever there was such a thing as a "horse whisperer" these guys are it. This is going to be an incredible event, the second weekend of the rodeo.
#9 Carnival Food
Never mind the diet, The rodeo is the perfect time for carnival food. There are basically two food groups at rodeo. "Fried" and "On A Stick"
Anything can be fried at the rodeo. Fried Oreos, Fried Ice Cream, Fried Pickles, Fried Mozarella Sticks. Those are the usual fried items, but sources say we may also see other such fried delicacies like:
Fried Butter--Fried Gummy Bears--Deep Fried Ice Cream Sandwiches--Deep Fried Jello--Fried Salsa. And if we're really lucky--Fried Beer but only if you're old enough.
#8 The Parade
Who doesn't love a parade, but a rodeo parade. It's like a giant preview of what's to come, a smorgasbord of all the miscellany you'll see in the days ahead. The wild eyed look of wonder on the faces of the kids, and the sheep for that matter, is mesmerizing. This year's parade features riding clubs, antique tractors, marching bands and floats and follows a route beginning at Irving and Concho Street, proceeds East to Oakes, turns left on Twohig to Chabourne and down to College Street to Irving to Beauregard to Randolf and ends at River Drive.
#7 Hotties In Western Wear
Guys and Gals all shapes and sizes. Everyone looks sexy in Western Wear. No doubt you will see a lot of hotties. Boots and Chaps. The scenery is going to be great.
#6 Madison MacDonald-Trick Riding and Piper Yule
Opening weekend, world class performers, Madison MacDonald and Trick Riding with Piper Yule, will be showing off their incredible trick riding skills. Thrills, Chills and amazing costumes. Madison MacDonald-Thomas has been riding 24 out of the 29 years she's been alive. You won't believe what these riders can do. Taking "Girl Power" to a whole 'nother level.
#5 The Buffalo Social Club otherwise known as the "Beer Barn"
The "Beer Barn" is the best place for adults to relax and enjoy an ice cold brew. This year, they've put together a great lineup of live entertainers. Put on your Boot Scootin Boogie Boots and unwind as the memories of all the rodeo fun two-step through your brain. This Year the bands you'll hear at the "Beer Barn" include:
Texas Double Shot
Ross Cooper Jake Worthington
Kin Faux Case Hardin
Hayden Haddock William Beckmann
Braxton Keith
#4 The Livestock
If you're like most people you don't know your Angus from a Brangus, but by the time this rodeo is over you'll see them all. Every breed of cattle, you can imagine, including the rare Texas Longhorns, will be on show. And that's not all You'll see Rambouillet, Dorpers and other Sheep, Llamas and Alpackas, Rabbits, Pigs, Angora, Boer and many other goats. You won't just see regular animals but champions and their proud owners.
#3 The Cinch Roping Fiesta
Sure, we've all been "tied up" in traffic or at work, but this is another kind of "tied up" altogether. You won't believe what these cowboys and cowgals can do with a lasso. This event is always full of unexpected twists and turns and unpredictable action. It's real action San Angelo style. This is certainly a highlight every year and this year will be no exception.
#2 The Carnival Rides
The Western Shamrock Carnival is back and it promises to be bigger than ever. Big rides including a ginormous Ferris Wheel, roller coasters and loads of games. Step right up, you might win a prize or at the very least get very close to your special someone if they get a little spooked by the roller coaster. Just take it from us, eat all your fried food and food on a stick (See #9) after you ride the rides, especially the ones that go round and round and round. Just in case, wear clothes that don't clash with vomit.
#1 The Rodeo
Of course the thing we all like best about the rodeo is THE RODEO. All the events have a swirl of unpredictable action. Literally, anything can happen. You can't help but admire the incredible skill and athleticism of the rodeo participants and their animals. No matter which Rodeo events you experience from the Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, the PRCA Performances, Barrel Races and Bull Riding, the San Angelo Rodeo event is recognized as one of the best in the world.

San Angelo Rodeo and Stock Show
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