Monday is usually everyone’s least favorite day of the week, but on Monday, June 3rd Baptist Retirement Community is planning to make that Monday a day of leisure and recreational fun in support of a good cause.
The senior living community will be hosting its 22nd Annual Golf Classic fundraiser at San Angelo Country Club. What began as a campus and community wide event 22 years ago by Wayne Merrill, has turned into a charitable event that supports residents within the community. This year’s proceeds will go toward providing a wheelchair accessible bus that will provide transportation services to handicapped seniors in the community. The public is invited to register and participate in the event to help raise money.

“The tournament is a scramble, which means there is not a lot of pressure on you to perform well,” explained Wayne Merrill, president emeritus, Baptist Retirement Community. “It is a fun tournament, and people of all skill levels are welcome to play. I started it 22 years ago because we had around 14 golfers on the campus, local church members, and local business people that were interested in participating in a friendly game of golf. At first we did not do it to make money, we did it simply for the fellowship and camaraderie. The third year we decided it would be a great opportunity to raise money for the residents. We’ve been doing that ever since.”

This year’s Golf Classic will begin with lunch and the serving of grilled hamburgers at 11:00 a.m. Check in is between 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. After check in, players will be able to stop by the pro shop and pick up a complimentary sleeve of balls. They will be able to choose from the top three selling brands. Tee off will begin promptly at 1:00 p.m. Awards will be announced around 5:00 p.m. Those interested in signing up can sign up as an individual, or as part of a team of four. Individual participants will be grouped into teams of four.

This event is not just for golfers. The community welcomes friends and families of those competing to enjoy the competition and partake in a raffle and silent auction. The raffle includes a weekend getaway package that includes a one night stay at the Chicken Farm Art Center, limo service to and from the inn, dinner for 2 at Silo House Restaurant and a $100 Visa gift card. In addition to the raffle, there will be a silent auction for a hunting excursion at Mayfield Ranch in Christoval, TX.

If you would like to register an individual or a team for the event, please contact Kendra Lovelady at or at 214-758-8017. You can also call the San Angelo Country Club for more details at 651-7227. If you are unable to attend the event, but would like to pre-bid for the silent auction, please contact Kendra Lovelady.

courtesy of Baptist Retirement Commmunity
courtesy of Baptist Retirement Commmunity

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