The next ASU-SBDC (Angelo State University Small Business Development Center) Small Business Management Certificate Program, 8-week course will begin on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 at 6 p.m. at the Business Resource Center.
The program is designed to help entrepreneurs and small business owners learn the basics of how to start, run, and grow a small business in the Concho Valley.  

The “Small Business Management Certificate Program, 8 Week Course” will take place for 8 consecutive weeks (same time and location) beginning October 22, 2013. Each week participants will learn about different business management topics including Business Planning, Financing, Marketing, Financial Statements, Legal Issues, Tax Issues, and more.

To earn their certificate, participants must attend all 8 required seminars, write a business plan draft, complete online training modules, and meet with an SBDC advisor before the end of the 8-week course. A graduation ceremony will be held for those who have completed all of their requirements following the final seminar.

Enrollment cost is $50 which includes the cost of all required seminars, materials, a personalized notebook for program materials, certificate and graduation. Seating for participants is limited so you must register to reserve your spot. To find out more about this program or to register please call the ASU-SBDC at (325) 942-2098 or register and pay online at 

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