Watch a Horse Named Horsey McHorseface Win a Horse Race
What's in a name?
You need to watch this clip of a horse named Horsey McHorseface galloping to victory in a race that took place in Australia. You've gotta love how the announcer keeps repeating the name because, honestly, how often do you get to hear a name like this?
The animal's moniker is an homage to Boaty McBoatface, which was the winning name in a vote for a British ship back in 2016.
Horsey McHorseface's owner, Joe Rosetti, and manager, Jake Bruce, signed on for the name rather easily.
"We had a laugh about it in the office and thought, 'Hey, why not'," Bruce admitted to CNN. "Joe's a good bloke and he's a good horse -- we just thought it would be a good fit."
Take a good look at the gelding. Some may say he's got a McHorseface that only a mother could love, but we disagree.
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