The family of Julio Cordero, a 56-year-old retired FBI agent, is grappling with the circumstances that led to his death after a confrontation with an El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) Police Officer on Thursday, August 22, at Franklin High School in El Paso, Texas.

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Cordero was reportedly shot around 5:45 a.m. after an EPISD officer found him allegedly vandalizing the school his son attends. According to his family, they have yet to receive official notification from authorities or any information regarding funeral arrangements.

Cordero had a distinguished career in law enforcement, winning multiple awards, including the Attorney General’s Distinguished Service Award in 2005 for his role in Operation Baja Kings. He also spearheaded Operation Poisoned Pawns, leading to over 40 convictions in a corruption investigation involving prominent El Paso figures.

However, his family states that Cordero’s mental health deteriorated after a series of traumatic events, including a fatal 1993 car accident involving his sister and a 2014 incident in which a suicidal man died in front of his car. Despite their efforts, his mental condition worsened after his retirement in 2018.

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Family members emphasized that while Cordero was not violent, he had several non-violent incidents over the past two years tied to his mental state. They now question whether less-lethal force could have been employed and are requesting that EPISD Police release body camera and surveillance footage for review by trusted law enforcement contacts.

For now, the family focuses on remembering Julio Cordero as a loving father and decorated agent while awaiting more details surrounding his death. To read more about his life, check out the full story on KTSM.

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