It isn't often that a tattoo can make you world famous.  It has happened to a Waco, Texas native.  Samantha McCullough has gone viral for her
"Brad" tattoo.  No, Brad is not the name of her significant other, or anyone she knows.  She tattooed "Brad" on her armpit, so she can tell everyone, "Meet Brad Pitt"

To each his or her own you might say.

Actually, Samantha says she made the tattoo appointment with something else in mind.  The "Brad" tattoo was an impulse idea.  Impulse idea for something you have to live with for the rest of your life possibly?  Ok again to each his or her own.

Once the story got picked up by a local paper, it was off to the races.  After this post, Samantha has made several references to dodging the "papparazi".  No doubt.  In our new "Viral" age, any attention is good, right?

She has had thousands of comments on social media.  Samantha says most of them are positive.  Some people say it's stupid and a waste of money, but she says she loves it regardless.  It makes her laugh and that's all that matters.  She has some other ink. She has "Taco Bell" tattooed on her knuckles and the word "camel" on one of her toes. Although she has taken exception with some of the comments about her armpits.

Here in San Angelo we have a lot of great choices if you want to get your own "Brad" pit. San Angelo was even the most recent location for the West Texas Tattoo Convention back at the Coliseum in February. We'll run down some of the best tattoo artists in the area in a future story.

Photo by Hung Pham on Unsplash
Photo by Hung Pham on Unsplash

Not saying that she would ever regret it or anything, but if she should, removing it could be costly and painful.  As a general rule of thumb, the closer a tattoo is to the heart the easier it is to remove. No tattoo is "easy" to remove, though. Generally, tattoos on the upper arms, neck or face have a better chance of removal as opposed to tattoos on the hands, feet or legs, which experience lower rates of circulation.

Where a tattoo is located also affects how painful it will be to remove.  Because the underarm area has a lot of nerve endings close to the top of the skin, that can be a painful location for tattoo removal.

Photo by Sasha Lebedeva on Unsplash
Photo by Sasha Lebedeva on Unsplash

Along with some world class tattoo artists here in San Angelo, we also have some great tattoo removal locations.   There's even one called "Blast My Ink" which promises to offer remedies for the dreaded "tattoo remorse."

Photo by Fabio Tura on Unsplash
Photo by Fabio Tura on Unsplash

This often happens when someone tattoos the name of a new romantic partner somewhere on their body and then breaks up.  What a mood killer from then on when subsequent romantic interests lay eyes on it.  Nothing kills the mood like questions about who was so and so.

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Young Man Showing His Tattoo

As a general rule of thumb, it might be a good idea NOT to drink before going to a tattoo parlor. Also, thinking about Pete Davidson might be a good idea.  He's had to have dozens of tattoos of ex's painfully laser etched from his body. He even made commercials about it.  Don't be like Pete.  However, if you're a grown adult like Samantha and you want a "Brad" pit, by all means do it.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

It's still what America is all about. We have the freedom to make mistakes. Who knows maybe the real Brad Pitt will come calling.  It could be a collaboration that would change both of their lives.

That's the stuff of tattoo dreams.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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These money-saving tips—from finding discounts to simple changes to your daily habits—can come in handy whether you have a specific savings goal, want to stash away cash for retirement, or just want to pinch pennies. It’s never too late to be more financially savvy. Read on to learn more about how you can start saving now. [From: 25 ways you could be saving money today]

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