AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Gov. Rick Perry and Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst have appointed six members of the new board set to oversee Texas' embattled cancer research agency.
Perry, Dewhurst and Texas House Speaker Joe Straus each get three picks for the governing board of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas.

The $3 billion agency was set up in 2009 to fund research. But the entire board needed to be reappointed under a state law passed this year after findings of mismanagement, questionable spending, and the awarding of big grants without vetting.

Perry named Angelos Angelou of Austin, Gerry Geistweidt of Mason and William Rice of Austin. Angelou and Geistweidt previously served on the board.

Dewhurst picked Ned Holmes of Houston, Craig Rosenfeld of Dallas and Amy Mitchell of Austin.

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