Discover the enchanting world of 'Franky Teaches the Alphabet' by radio personality Quinn Alexander, a must-have for young readers seeking fun learning adventures.
No matter where speed traps are, if you stay within the posted speeds you won't get ticketed. Know where the hot speed zones are before you set out on a trip.
With all the economic expansion in San Angelo over the years, the city has continued its steady population growth. San Angelo continues to be an excellent place for business. Over the years, though, some great projects were announced for San Angelo that fell through. Some of these economic expansions could have meant enormous gains for the city. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, they fell through.
According to the US Copyright Office, no one owns the copyright on the slogan: "Cowboy Capital of the World." In fact, Bandera isn't even the only city that uses that phrase. Their emblem is service marked with that phrase on it, but as far as our research could find, the slogan itself is fair game.