Tom Cruise’s The Mummy is about to hit theaters and launch a new cinematic universe, which, arguably, was the first cinematic universe ever, according to Mummy director Alex Kurtzman in a new featurette. Universal seems pretty optimistic about the quality of The Mummy (or they wouldn’t have announced this whole shared universe thing just yet), which makes us hopeful too. And, come on, Tom Cruise has been in, like, maybe two truly terrible movies throughout his career.

But first, a new clip showcases the moody atmosphere The Mummy is clearly going for in its less CGI-driven scenes. This sequence includes Cruise yelling (again), and Sofia Boutella’s mummy punching him literally into the air.

Plus, Universal also released a new featurette for The Mummy that, if anything, will just make you want to watch the classic monster movies again. Cruise in particular waxes poetic about his love for these films and how they twist your emotions back on themselves, making you almost root for the monsters instead of the human heroes. From the trailers, it sounds like The Mummy will take a page from that book.

The Mummy hits theaters June 9.

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