The weather was cool and breezy but that didn't stop a record number of walkers from coming out to support the Autism Community in the Concho Valley!


Sparky the Fire Dog is one photogenic dog as he stops for as many pictures as possible!

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This team loves the Cows and the chance to walk to help all families who deal with autism!

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The Chick-Fil-A cows, Bella from ASU, and Sparky get warmed up for lots of photo ops!

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Ok, everyone pay attention so we can get this picture taken!

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Over $25,000.00 has been raised, with more money coming in! The Walk for Autism has outgrown the facilities at the Paseo, and will be looking for a larger venue to accommodate this growing event.

We're proud to be one of the sponsors of this fantastic event and look forward to even bigger & better things in 2018!

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