How To Join Paranormal Experts for a San Angelo Ghost Hunt
Those ghost hunting television shows are all the rage. One of the best haunted locations in America is right here in San Angelo, at Fort Concho. Coming up on Saturday, August 13, 2022 from 8p-2am, nationally known paranormal group Haunted Rooms of America is presenting the historic Fort Concho Ghost Hunt.
There are well known hauntings at Fort Concho. According to Haunted Rooms America owner, Wesley McDermott, they are the first paranormal group to have exclusive access to this historic location and tickets are available to the public. Haunted Rooms has a national team of paranormal investigators, so this ghost hunt might be a rare opportunity to experience a "professional" experience with all the latest technical equipment.

Fort Concho was established in 1867 in order to protect early settlers and quell hostile threats in the region. Constructed from native limestone, which is known to harbor phantom energy, For Concho originally consisted of over 40 buildings and covered more than 1600 acres. In it's heyday, Fort Concho, housed 400-500 men with companies of infantry troops and the legendary Buffalo Soldiers, a regiment of African-American soldiers.
So what are the famous hauntings at Fort Concho?
There's the story of the little girl Edith "Eedie" from the 1870's, who haunts the officers quarters as soldiers continue to march the grounds. The famous Colonel Ranald "Bad Hand" Mackenzie still haunts Officers' Quarters 3. He is associated with the sound of cracking knuckles, something he did in life and apparently, still does in death.
If you go on this ghost hunt you will get exclusive access to the most haunted areas of the Fort. According to Haunted Rooms this investigation will inspect the infamous Officers' Quarters 1, Fort Concho Hospital, old schoolhouse/chapel, Officers' Quarters 3, and the old headquarters building.
Investigations in the past have included some pretty harrowing experiences. Some of the most famous Fort Concho paranormal occurrences include full body apparitions, phantom footsteps, shadow figures, poltergeist activity, disembodied voices and physical touching.
Find Out More About This Ghost Hunt here
There aren't very many opportunities, in this area, to experience a real professional ghost hunt in a certifiably haunted location. Just be very careful, you don't want any of the specters to follow you home. I hear exorcisms can be very expensive. Remember, don't expect your home owners policy to cover poltergeist damages.
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